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Sunday, August 25, 2024

Basketball: Agenda

Return to the Zander's The Art of Possibility.

"In the absence of a vision, we are each driven by our own agenda, finding people whose interests match ours, and inattentive to those with whom we appear to have little in common. We automatically judge our players, workers, and loved ones against our standards, inadvertently pulling the wind from their sails. But with our new practice of granting an ongoing A in all our relationships, we can align ourselves with others, because that A declares and sustains a life-enhancing partnership."

Can any of us be 'agenda-free'? Do we seek respect, validation, material things, love? 

When I see someone with blue or purple hair, do I reflexively ask 'why' instead of lauding their individuality or the color itself? 

Grant that "A" freely, for originality, for courage of expression, or just for showing up. 

Surely, I will fall short of passing out all the A's that I should not because they are undeserved but because I am flawed. 

Give out a lot of "A's" while working to improve player preparation and performance. Being less judgmental has real benefits and no costs. 

Lagniappe. Beautiful action. 

Lagniappe 2. Simple is great.  

Lagniappe 3. Ideas. Spread 'em out and attack the zone.