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Thursday, February 20, 2025

Basketball - Become More Explosive

Teach players the "four legs of the player development stool." 

  • Skill
  • Strategy
  • Physicality
  • Psychology (resilience/mental toughness)

Improved athleticism offers sustainable competitive advantage

What belongs in your workouts? Choose among developing your own program, group training, or individual training (expensive).

1) Set goals.

2) Develop a program to improve strength, explosiveness, conditioning. Find exercises that you can do (you don't need any equipment for squats, lunges, planks, and high knees). Jumping rope is simple and effective. 

3) Do a baseline evaluation.

4) Implement and track the program. 

5) Reevaluate after adequate training (e.g. 6-8 weeks). 

Here's a good link to a quickness and explosiveness post. 

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Lagniappe. Link to an article about Alabama practices. As a coach, always be aware of the health and safety implications of practice. 

Lagniappe 2. Never cross the line.

Lagniappe 3. "Happiness begins when selfishness ends." - John Wooden 

Lagniappe 4. Big fan of horns.