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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Better Performance by Optimizing Arousal

For varying levels of stimulus (e.g. dose), we obtain variable responses.  How we are 'wired' determines our level of arousal. 

But it's not so simple. The optimum degree of arousal also depends on the task. 

Dialing back arousal for more difficult tasks actually produces better results. More control, better performance is how I'd think about it. Match the right kind of 'music' to your needs

We seek a "flow state" with the greatest research by Csikszentmihalyi. Clarity, focus, and timelessness characterize the flow state. Some of you know it as being "in the zone". 

Ironically, I think of Rossini's William Tell Overture as a musical piece reflecting arousal states. Who better to share than Buddy Greene? 

Athletes commonly listen to their playlist seeking the right "arousal level." Share something great. Some need calming (0:56) and others more stimulus (2:36) or a lot (3:44). 

The coach and the point guard have to bring energy to every practice and every game. Find your optimal level. 

Of course, others find a different path.

                  "Do what you want to."  Something very different if you have fifteen minutes to contemplate life... see 15:00.