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Sunday, September 2, 2018

Basketball: Managing Information

Chris Hadfield, from MasterClass (Space Exploration)

During medical school, we transitioned from theory to practice...many use a "peripheral brain." The peripheral brain is a slightly oversized (5 by 7 inch) blue notebook, that contains "important" information. We enter data. That might include the differential diagnosis of metabolic acidosis, treatment of high potassium, how to do a Gram stain (to diagnose certain infections), and hundreds or thousands of facts, acronyms, and more. Ridiculous, I know.

I'm sure students take pictures of information and use their phones as data storage now. I suspect that's more efficient and less effective than our scrawled notes four decades ago. 

What belongs in our basketball "peripheral brain?" And how can we use any tool for sustainable competitive advantage

I've shared Don Meyer's three notebook system (general knowledge, basketball, and gratitude notebook annually presented to his wife). I use Google Drive spreadsheets, saving links to short videos, articles, practice schedules, offensive 'elements', drill book, and more. This blog also has become an archive of OPM (other people's missives) and mine. 

Don't rely on memory. We all 'misremember' details. Steve Howe got suspended seven times for substance abuse (I remembered it as eight). Henry Finkel went to Dayton (I always want to say Akron). I know a doctor named Paul, whom I always want to call Steve...very embarrassing. 

Use what works for you. Author Robert Greene deploys an exhaustive notecard system
Regrettably, typing is less effective (but creates less clutter) than note taking. The physical act of writing helps imprint information in our minds. Information, learning, and wisdom aren't identical. Meyer's mature simplicity defeats his sophisticated complexity

Decide on the format, classification/domains (offense/defense/leadership and subcategories), organization, and retrieval. One advantage of blogging is that the Blogger list function (all, published, draft) has a search function that helps with retrieval. 


Write the best 'story' you can, then make it better by cutting. Some professionals say, "kill your darlings" because a cute anecdote or scene may just add clutter not depth to the story. Radius Athletics shares.