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Sunday, April 16, 2023

Basketball: Using the 1-4 High Set Against Any Defense

There's no "Holy Grail" of basketball offense. Superior skill beats strategy or as Coach Popovich says, "technique beats tactics." But especially at lower levels, superior skill is unlikely.

I grew up with 1-4 sets in the 70s. We had a pair of exceptional bigs and I viewed my job as leveraging their skills. The offense offered spacing, symmetry, and inside opportunities. It was "horns" before horns and literally before three-point shooting. 

Versus Man (Tight and loose)

1) Clear the wing through and initiate PnR play. 

2) Post entry with options for back cut (3), handoff to 1, give-and-go. 

3) Wing entry to initiate "UCLA" set or side PnR. Freedom allows players to seize opportunity.

Having a versatile '5' with scoring and passing skills created options for him to post up, isolate, pass, and screen on or off the ball. You could even "stare" at the '5' to set up an early 'slip' after opponents expected the high ball screen. 

Versus 2-3

You can run "flex-like" actions

You can run wing entry, fill corners and use one or more screens.

Screen the top and attack the middle with options depending on defense.

Versus 1-3-1

Attack via the post and drop cutters. 

Or attack via the wing.

Lagniappe. Excellent video on variations of play.