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Thursday, November 10, 2016

Practice. Bring it On.

"When I look up in the universe, I know I'm small, but I'm also big. I'm big because I'm connected to the universe and the universe is connected to me." - Neil deGrasse Tyson

Practice. We are big because we connect to the universe of basketball. 

Practice serves as our life laboratory. We help people grow and become better versions of they connect to that universe. 

I'm not dismissing the wins and losses that inevitably follow. The experience centers connecting to players and their families. 

Here are excerpts from an email that I got while attending a coaching clinic last Saturday. 

Hi Dr. Sen!

I hope all is going well! Thursday night we won our (volleyball) semifinal game and now, today at 1pm at UMASS Boston, my team is playing in the finals! I know this is very, very last minute but because you were such a great influence on me in my high school career, I thought I should let you know in case you want to come! 

I recall this player fondly because of her positivity, work, and continual cheerfulness regardless of success or adversity. She plays both volleyball and basketball in college. 

While we help players develop, we build relationships and values about self-respect, study, and sportsmanship. Aside from parents, we have a unique opportunity to make a difference in young people's lives. We help them function as a team, to strive for team goals, and to learn to be reliable and to trust. 

We condition within practice and go at a high tempo. For example, if you do not make at least 1-2 free throws, you take a lap while the next girls shoots (we have four baskets this year). Shooting is a priority fundamental and coaches will hop in and provide random defense during some of the drills. 

I'm not Iverson. I love practice.