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Monday, November 14, 2016

Zone Offense Against the 1-3-1

"Good artists borrow; great artists steal." - Picasso 

Pleas fall on deaf ears. At a recent coaching clinic, the speaker asked coaches to teach man-to-man defense and play it. Coaches want to win, so I know that we'll face over 75 percent zone, mostly 2-1-2. 

But some teams will vary it, not with individual assignment defense, but with 1-3-1. How can we respond? 

First, let's watch how the Spartans do it...start with great spacing, attack the middle, and move the ball. 

But maybe we want another 'set'...

If we have a 5 with a good skill set, then she can get an initial pass out of the 1-4 and pressure the middle. Additionally, we should have favorable offensive rebounding position. 

Alternatively, if the 1-3-1 wings overplay the middle, 1 initiates perimeter entry and 3 looks to drive into the gap, pressuring X3 and X5. Obviously, there is a quick post feed or ball reversal via 1 as well. If 3 attacks middle, that creates pressure on the middle of the zone as well. 

If 3 reverses the ball, she cuts to the foul line area and looks to get a return to attack the paint. 

Coach Schakel illustrates these and other options well in his video.