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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Team Ethos

Your ethos is how you live...your character, your soul, 'who you are'. 

Here's the Navy SEAL ethos, which is quite distinct from civilian engagement. But elements of the ethos apply to how we play.

Here are applicable components: 

"Uncompromising integrity is my standard."

"We expect to lead and be lead."

"I persevere and thrive on adversity...I am never out of the fight." 

"We demand discipline."

"My training is never complete." 

From a practical standpoint, I teach players that "how you play is how you live." The life well-lived matters to those whom your life touches. If you live 'randomly' you can't possibly expect to have the impact as when you live with purpose and preparation. 

The four most important words that I can share with another person is "I believe in you." That might mean helping someone to lose weight or stop smoking, to be more engaged with their family or their job, or be your best by playing harder, smarter, and more selflessly. 

One of my daughters' coaches, Shawanda Brown, also had a saying, "that is not how we play." Her message was simple and direct and invariably connected with the team. 

Our job is to deliver the message the players need, not what they want to hear. This season we are going to face more adversity, playing at a higher level and without one of our top players (injury). The opposite of fear is recklessness, not courage. We need to find balance using the resources we have.