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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Fast Five: Help Players Communicate

Pete Newell said help players "see the game". But players need success in school, on the court, and in the community. They must train their minds. 

1. Help players communicate better by giving them specifics. 

2. Stephen King's "On Writing" explains his career and his writing philosophy. Organize a great story through plot, characters, and dialogue. King abhors adverb abuse. 

3. The Heath brothers share "Made to Stick". Stories help people communicate more effectively and remember information better. Master their acronym SUCCES - simple, unexpected, concrete, credible, emotional, and story. Army cook Floyd Lee came out of retirement, volunteering in Iraq to run the Pegasus Chow Hall. He emphasized that his job was about morale not food. 

4. "Brevity is the soul of wit." Scott Adams discusses better writing in under a page. Don't bury the lead. Keep it simple. Be clear, concise, and simple. Use active voice. 

5. "There is no ability without eligibility." Grow a culture of learning about your sport and about understanding the world.