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Friday, December 1, 2017

The "NOT To Do" List

Christina Bengtsson shares the importance of the NOT To Do list. Many of us have a TO DO list. Avoiding some NOTs is important. 


Negativity. We have many thousands of thoughts daily. We can't eliminate negative thoughts entirely but work to replace them with positive ones. I coached a tall, athletic, instinctive, highly intelligent player last year with limited offense who needed to build confidence. Twin goals of adding value through skill and building confidence. I regularly reminded her that we needed her to be at her best as one of our top players. As a freshman this year, she eventually earned a starting position on a volleyball team that went to the state finals. 

Outcomes. Bill Walsh wrote The Score Takes Care of Itself. Trust the process. Build sustainable habits. Do the work. We cannot control outcomes, but we control how we go about our business. Quotes from Walsh:

Believe it and you become it. 

Time. Time is a precious resource. Emily Dickinson wrote, "Forever is composed of nows." Today informs our 'better version' tomorrow. What can we sacrifice today to become more tomorrow? 

Bonus: GSW Action

Thompson (2) screens for Curry (1) who might get a corner 3 from Green (4). Curry then basket cuts while Thompson is getting a DHO (dribble handoff) from Green. Simple actions create multiple options. Great skill helps.