The most important item in "the bag" is The Book, the work-in-progress of the current edition of Vogue; she annotates using Post-It notes.
Video (I have some video courtesy of a parent who filmed some games).
(Caution, language) "What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes." I'm not free of observer bias, but video redirects impressions. Turnovers and poor decisions like shot selection and pass selection stand out on film.
Educational video (spreadsheet): Short video lessons
Drill Book. I keep mine on Google Drive. I don't have a reason to have a physical version... actually I have several versions. Here's one.
Practice schedule considerations:
Key questions:
- What does our team need now?
- What do individual players need most?
- What is going well that we can do more?
- What is going poorly that we must correct?
Reading list/continuing education:
- Active reading list (currently Tribe of Mentors, Being Mortal)
- Re-reading list (e.g. Multiple Offense and Defense)
- Chris Oliver podcasts
Collate into "active version" of The Book (practice plans, offensive game plans including core concepts and special situations).
Lagniappe: quality passes or separating moves often require versatile skilled finishes. They don't grow on trees. Special finishes require volume practice.
Steve Nash Reverse Finishes— Half Court Hoops (@HalfCourtHoops) September 14, 2019