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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

POST 2000 - Basketball: What Inspires You?

Inspire. Lead. Teach. Energize. Share better. 

Find tools to build your worldview. We all have a drill book and play book. Find spreadsheets here with video teaching links, the Commonplace book, the Jar of Awesome, the "Take Home Bag", Must-Need-Want, and miscellaneous tools from among 2,000 posts. 

Celebrate collaboration, how we push each other forward, elevate players, and catch the few who are falling. 

In the fashion world, a "mood board" is an inspiration wall. What speaks to you? 

Here's a sample "mood board." Some items are obvious, others cryptic. 

1. Basketball goal messages 'targeting' and 'focus'.
2. NBA play types remind me to do more of what works, less of what doesn't
3. Keep the experience fresh. 
4. Practice time allocates scarce resources. Use it wisely. 
5. Spending time or investing it? 
6. Toes. Karma is real. 
7. Great ideas come from anywhere. 
8. Women make bold choices and take risks, too.
9. Fixing it today saves us tomorrow.
10.Trust the process.
11.Life is short (Murphy the dog is gone.).
12.Titles are ephemeral; memories are forever. Help players make memories. 
13.The Pyramid of Success cornerstones are enthusiasm and hard work.
14.Leave an impression; success leaves footprints.
15.Blinders..."a man distracted is a man defeated."
16.10-80-10. Drag some from the 80 percent into the top 10 percent.

Develop our own style. Diane von Furstenberg's designs inform her work, whether animal motif, black and white with single color, or whimsical (above). We should know DVF when we see it. Make our basketball lives have meaning. 

Creativity is ongoing...a process. Our teaching and coaching are dynamic, from season to season, team to team. 

Lagniappe: Falsely attributed to Gandhi, but great nonetheless:

"Be the change you want to see in the world."