Dan Pink wrote Drive, emphasizing the triad of autonomy, mastery, and purpose. How badly do you want success? What price will you pay? Success demands sacrifice.
When Kevin Durant wakes he asks himself, "how do I get better today?"
Know what you want; execution narrows the gap between dreams and reality.
Create high performance expectations. Urban Meyer demands players full engagement once they "cross the red line" surrounding the OSU football field. From Above the Line,
"There is a red line at the edge of our practice field. Every day before practice, I stand at that red line and watch guys take the field. The rule is that once they cross that red line, they are not only running – they are prepared to give all they’ve got. If I don’t like somebody’s demeanor – it could be body language, a look on a guy’s face, anything – I turn him around and point to the locker room. You better be ready to go; otherwise, don’t come on the practice field."
Inspiration and aspirational goals only translate through preparation and perspiration. What does our team need now? How is an activity improving you or your team? Can you measure it?
Narrow the gap
High performance expectations
Respect the NOW
Lagniappe: "Moneyball" shooting from @John_Leonzo
Lagniappe 2: FLAT BACK BOB from Pink's "Go away, come back" lyrics"Moneyball Shooting"— John Leonzo (@John_Leonzo) September 20, 2019
Players partner up, each partner shoots 4 shots, then switch.
Shot 1: Catch + Shoot 3 "Moneyball" = +3 if made
Shot 2: Catch/Shoot 3 = +1 if made
Shot 3: Dribble Jumper = +1 if made
Shot 4: Catch/Shoot 3 = +1 if made
1st team to 25 pts & at half court wins pic.twitter.com/A06VKwVmpu