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Monday, September 9, 2019

Fast Five: Leadership in Vogue - Wintour's Edge

Benefit from cross-disciplinary concepts. The latest course at shares the leadership style of Anna Wintour, Editor-in-Chief at Vogue and Creative Director of Conde Nast

Women share great ideas and a different perspective than some men. Like men, they're not always right. 


Figure out how you want to collaborate in articulating and elaborating your vision. Leaders focus on making organizations better. 

Have a clear sense of the "voice" of your organization, what fits and what doesn't. 

Know what you want to accomplish with a meeting or an article. 

Anna believes in what some call "distributed leadership." Everyone deserves a voice, but that doesn't mean everyone gets to decide. Fast feedback works best. 

Be decisive but not peremptory. 

If an idea or personnel group won't work, just say no and move on. 

Lagniappe: A spread offense with multiple options. Our players are not sophisticated enough to run this yet. But the concept is good.

Lagniappe 2: I'd rather invest more practice time in fundamentals and small-sided-games, especially 3-on-3 inside the split. 

With two coaches and two groups, freelance development works well. Some examples are listed; many more exist.