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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Basketball: Big Ideas Last

"Advertising is like vandalism - it's like loud, in your face, and it's still there the next day." - Jeff Goodby, MasterClass

Big ideas last. Take another swing at the Goodby and Silverstein MasterClass. Goodby pro tips and basketball translation: 

1. "Don't copy. Steal." See the world around us. Ideas are everywhere. Find ideas and translate them. Capture hearts and minds. Players succeed by becoming better people embracing better ideas. This reminds us of James Kerr's "better people make better All Blacks." 

2. "Part of your job is not to do your job." Invest time thinking, not just working. Ad king David Ogilvie said, "You should be looking for things to write about." "Be alert all the time." Free money is lying around. 

3. "Run toward fire." Where's the action? "Do the right thing and make sure people notice it." The obvious choice during the game's quarantine is player and coach development. 

4. "Seek out fame." Care that people are noticing you (career promotion). Get to know the media. "Fortune favors the bold.

5. Share the CMO's foxhole. Care about key people in your organization and understand their problems. Caring about everyone matters.   

When we watch a great game, movie, or read an awesome story, be inspired, get "butterflies." Share the WOW FACTOR

Lagniappe 1: (Adapted from Online Coaches Clinic) Screen, rescreen 2 on 1

Lagniappe 2: Fake handoff backdoor