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Friday, July 15, 2022

Improve Process to Get Results - A Brief Look at 1-on-1 Process and Isolation Strategy

"A film is a success when everyone on the project is committed to telling the same story." - Hans Zimmer

Success puts process ahead of results. Take care of our business and per Bill Walsh, "the score takes care of itself."

There's never one way:

  • "You could have the best big idea in the world, but if you don't have the discipline to sit down...and write it, it's just gonna sit there." - Ross Duffer
  • "Stephen King writes 2,000 words a day." (Then he stops.) - Matt Duffer
  • "The difference between good writers (coaches) and bad writers is that good writers know when they're bad." - (Dan Brown)

Develop a routine with three steps - selection, repetition, and review (pick, stick, check). The right choices, without repetition and revision won't hold. 

Coaches provide structure. Player development could be a map, a blueprint, a curriculum - an amorphous, dynamic expanding universe.  

Use Dr. Connolly's framework - skill, strategy, physicality, psychology. Develop your own samples.

Skill. Focus on reinforcing strengths and adding more. E.g. to improve 1-on-1, play 1-on-1 with constraints

  • Practice from various areas (e.g. wing, elbow, post - if big).
  • Limit dribbles (two dribbles).
  • Play equal or better players. 
  • Start off the catch and off the cut (e.g. stampede).
  • Include back-to-basket starts. 
  • Use no more than 2/3 attacks to dominant hand size. Do not become predictable.
  • Use these practices to define GO TO and COUNTER moves. 
  • Includes proven elements - jab, negative step, float dribble, side step into shot, sudden crossovers, pull ups.
  • "Fall in love with easy." Press an advantage when available (e.g. mismatches of size, speed, skill.
  • Find what works for you

Strategy. Quiz players on ways to set up isolations...a few of many.

Cross Screen. 

Pin down, post up. 

Cut to clear. 

SLOB, Zipper, Give-Go, SEAL. 

Lagniappe. Who is your mentor? What do you want from them? They don't have to know us or even be alive. James Patterson's writing makes "the pages turn themselves." I'll never meet him. 

Use video instruction to develop "microskills" that play.