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Monday, August 14, 2023

Basketball - Get Your "Act" Together

Life shares themes. They may be subtle or flagrant, joyous or tortured. I like 'buddy shows' which could be "The Man from U.N.C.L.E." or "Star Trek" (Kirk and Spock) or "Suits." Life is better on a team. 

And youth sports writes a soap opera with hiring and firing politics in the community, player cuts and playing time. 

Blogs and writers exploit the narratives, the heartache, the emotion. We demonize or humanize the bad cops and good cops, villains and heroes.

Sports reflects life. Competition crosses every domain - academics, business, law, medicine. Industries spring up to profit from the competition - sports betting, AI, options trading. On the first day of options trading (1973) the Chicago Board of Trade traded 911 call options. In 2016, the average day traded over four million contracts (source, An Economist Walks Into a Brothel). 

"Suits" informs a major theme of "Get your 'act' together." Yes, it's an evening soap opera but so is sports with the Donald Sterlings, James Hardens, NIL, and death of squeaky clean or even mostly above board. 

Maybe you're perfect without $%&# to fix. Humans suffer bias, envy, distraction, are too competitive, too vindictive, too emotional. 

And our weakness isn't understanding the rules, needing a new drill book, or refining the playbook. It's our humanity - our ego, arrogance, insecurity, the holes in our wholeness. We can't let our pettiness or vindictiveness take over our rational being. 

Get your $%&# together to make your team better. When we do that, we give others the chance to be whom they need to be. 

Lagniappe. What's one of the top reasons offense doesn't work. Because "great offense is multiple actions" it's a breakdown, like failure to cut urgently.