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Friday, August 18, 2023

Resource Page: Print and Save

"You don't send in a puppy to clean up a dog's mess." - Suits

The job is messy. Take a page and create a list of resources that will help your team and others.

1) SPCA... not about animals... SCORE, PROTECT, CRASH, ATTACK restating Dean Oliver's 'Four Factors'

Rethinking...these are possession enders.  

2) Must, need, want. Bill Parcells divided priorities into three categories. Every team's needs differ. There's a wide berth between 'must have' and 'like to have'. 

3) Chunking. Pete Newell said a coach's top task was teaching players to "see the game." Chessmasters 'chunk' positions and see moves based on coordination of pieces. 

Even more options exist such as DHO actions. Small-sided games from 'sets' give players realistic practice against defense. 

4) Defeating pressure. Solid team apply and defeat pressure. Our favorite is 'advantage-disadvantage' with 5 v 7 full court, starting with no dribbling. 4 v 5 half court is another great tool. 

5) Technique > Tactics. Skill beats strategy. My coach told a raw 6'6" freshman what he had to do to become a player. "Play...a lot." 

6) Math that matters, EFG% (effective field goal percentage). 

If you made one three-pointer on one shot, you'd have 1.5/1 = 1.5

If you made four twos and two threes in twelve shots, you'd have:

(4 + 3)/12 = .588

7) Get 7's. The best shots are 9's, open layups, as nothing is perfect. Highly contested, distant, off-balance shots are 1's. 7s are high percentage, on-balance, in range, low 'contest' shots. Better shots are the quickest path to efficient offense. 

8) Impact winning. Make everything increase the chance of winning - skill, hard-to-defend actions, physicality, and resilience. 

9) One and one. Do one thing for your craft and one for your business daily. For example, as a physician, I use a tool called "Knowledge Plus" using case presentations to study medicine. 

10) Everyone has to feel valued because they are valued. Everyone can't have the same role but everyone gets coaching. While working to excel at your role, develop more skills to increase the role if possible. 

Lagniappe (something extra).