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Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Basketball: Discipline Stands the Test of Time

"Name someone truly great without self-discipline. Name one calamitous undoing that was not, at least in part, rooted in a lack of self-discipline. More than talent, life is about temperament. And temperance." - from Ryan Holiday in "Discipline Is Destiny"

You might say, "a rock star isn't disciplined." Have you studied any? 

Aerosmith held periodic sessions entitled, "dare to suck." They developed a number of hits including "Love in an Elevator" from the concept of having bad ideas. As Bon Jovi sings, "you can't win until you're not afraid to fail." 

Metallica has been together for forty years. Part of that includes their discipline of their choices always being in the best interest of the band. 

When the Beatles began, they played in clubs in Germany for eight hours a day for over a year. That by itself wasn't "10,000 hours" but they invested the time to create a new standard. 

For "A Star Is Born," Bradley Cooper learned how to play guitar. 

Don't choose self-indulgence that the hill is too steep to climb or a subject too hard to learn. Self-pity is not an option. 

"Every day is showtime." People judge your effort, your performance, your value. What you do now prepares you for future work of leading teams in society - your family, job, community. Discipline fuels success. 

On the wall at Per Se, one of Thomas Keller's elite restaurants, the sign reads, sense of urgency. 

Art imitates life in the hit series, The Bear. Richie learns how Chef Terry's father signed off all his letters. 

Former player Victoria Crovo enters her third year of veterinary school, preparing for surgical rotations. 

And former twice All-League standout Paula Sen Root recently led a banking conference in New York. Our program graduates get it done daily. Every second counts. 

Lagniappe. "Every day is players development day." Cross jabs 

Lagniappe 2.