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Thursday, April 18, 2024

A Letter to Grandchildren About Teams

Dear Kids,

Team sports may not be your thing. That's okay but "life is a team sport." Great things happen when people work together.

You are on teams - family, school, community. Nobody begins great. A weight lifter may start out as a king-sized baby but that's not enough. He or she needs help. When you're lucky, parents, teachers, and trainers raise your arc of progress.

On your teams, learn how to make teammates better. At home, that might mean making your bed, clearing the dinner table, or helping your sister with homework. 

At school, don't be a distraction. Pay attention. Share. Play fair. Always do your best

Someday, maybe you'll play for your city. Put the team first. What you do and what you don't, both count. Be a good teammate. Learn to be happy for others' success. 

Don't be selfish. Don't be lazy. Don't be "soft," the opposite of physically and mentally tough.  

Fall in love with practice. Be excited for the chance to improve. Be focused to get the most from practice. Practice with purpose, on offense, on defense, on individual and team skills. Be the hardest worker; "never cheat the drill."

At times, you may think, "I can't do this." Have the courage to leave your comfort zone. 

Some days you and your team will excel. Other days, you will struggle, maybe fail badly. Stay in the fight. Get the 'full benefit' of experience. Learn from the wins and the losses. Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat. 

Days will come where you don't know if you can keep going. One more lap, one more sprint will seem impossible. Find the belief, find the will, find the words. 

We love you whether you win or lose, whether you play the whole game or sit on the bench. "You got this." 


Grammy and Papa

Lagniappe. It's hard to get to 1.0 points per possession if you can't make layups, free throws, or take care of the basketball. 

Lagniappe 2. Got Smitty?  

Lagniappe 3. Learn 'winning actions'.