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Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Basketball - Life Lessons Include not Having an Opinion

Stoicism teaches adherents "not to have an opinion about everything." The corollary follows that we need not share our opinion about everything. 

When someone asks for our opinion, we have options including not having one. "I'm not well-informed on that subject." One of the five 'must know' answers at the Naval Academy for first years is, "I don't know but I'll find out, Sir." (The other four are Yes, Sir, No, Sir, Aye aye, Sir, and Right away, Sir.)

We often don't have enough experience in an area to have an opinion. "Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want" and "experience is the best teacher but sometimes the tuition is high." 

Some things are just better left unsaid. 

A classic comeback at a Department of Medicine meeting to a senior officer was, "if we want your opinion, Captain, we'll ask for it." That shut down comments in the near and longer-term. 

When we must have an opinion, recall the THINK acronym:

T - is it true?

H - is it helpful?

I - is it inspiring?

N - is it necessary? 

K - is it kind? 

Why else should we not have an opinion? 

  • The issues may be so polarizing that 'hate and discontent' follow.
  • If we have no 'standing' our opinion may not matter.
  • The issue may only be a matter of taste. Do you like cilantro?
  • An answer may close doors. What do you think of Duke University?
  • "Only children and fools comment on things half done."
What basketball issues could fall under the umbrella of no opinion?

What do you think of coach so-and-so? The right answer might be, "I don't know them" or the thought, "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything." 

"The NBA stinks. It's just boring millionaires taking three point shots." The speaker has a strong opinion, unlikely to be impacted by an explanation of the origins of the shot including massive bodies compacted near the hoop producing an environment for violence

"She's the best player in the world. How can you possibly disagree?" The legal shows respond, "objection, asked and answered."

"These college players are just so greedy. I don't know what there problem is." You might think about the college player a few years ago who expressed frustration at going to bed hungry

Nothing I've said or written came down on stone tablets. I'd like to believe that I'm mostly right, but that's a stretch. "Better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." 

Lagniappe. Teach the game both "north and south" when some players go "east and west." 
Lagniappe 2. Be someone who impacts winning beyond the scorebook.