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Friday, August 25, 2023

Basketball: "Favorite" Overrated and Underrated Sports Cliches

Thank goodness we have professionals writing and acting for us. 

Cliches litter the airwaves. What are your favorites? 

"He can really score the ball." As opposed to scoring the pineapple or breadbox... commentators like Darke reshape the landscape, "That was an AMBITIOUS TRY.

"Do your job." The mantra of the Belichick Patriots succeeds with championships and withers during the current drought. Perhaps it's not the message but the players. 

Where is John McEnroe's classic, "You cannot be serious," when you desperately need it?

"He's an All-American from the neck down." The best of breed in sport are never 'dumb jocks'. Their 'athletic intelligence' goes off the charts. And EQ may mean more to success than IQ. 

"Control what you can control." Take care of your business at home, at school, and on the court. That requires the right attitude, choices, and effort. It means investing your time not spending it. 

"A pro's pro." The great prospects and great players have a plan, elite preparation, and execution. That includes physical and mental preparation, video study, nutrition and sleep. Teach players professionalism.

"Take a breath." Pro and Olympic athletes know the value of mindfulness. Younger athletes mostly do not. The coaching corollary is Coach Mike Krzyzewski's, "Next play."

And keep a few more around for those moments...

Lagniappe. Do you teach taking charges? Why or why not? 

My reply: Not saying it's wrong to practice taking charges, but I don't. I don't want to have to defend having a 6th-8th grade girl get injured or a head injury. You can make the reverse argument, I know. And I got a concussion taking one in HS from a future NBA player (Ron Lee).

Lagniappe 2. Finish examples.