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Saturday, August 26, 2023

Basketball: The Map Is Not the Territory

Maps represent a reality 'approximation'. Consider Waze, the Weather Radar map, or basketball curriculum. What you see is not always what you get.

"The Map Is Not the Territory principle is a powerful cognitive tool that reminds us of the difference between our subjective perception and objective reality. By understanding its implications and employing strategies to differentiate our 'maps' from the 'territory,' we can make better decisions, improve our relationships, and develop a more nuanced understanding of the world around us."

The highway conditions - e.g. surface, traffic, standing water - won't always equal the graphic display.

And in basketball, we have a thousand maps - practice, film study, offense, defense, conversion. Other maps exist, too, maps of coaches and maps of players.  

The Washington Redskins won three Super Bowls with what many viewed as extreme complexity. Bill Belichick didn't see it that way

Basketball coaches do the same:

1) Run the core actions from different formations

Variations on pick-and-roll them. 

2) Run differing actions from the same formation (e.g. box sets).

Defensively, misdirection possibilities exist:

1) Setup in a "zone" such as 2-3 and morph into man-to-man. 

2) Match up zone defenses

3) "The Freak" of Dale Brown

A major concern is knowing whether complexity will confuse the offense or defenders.  

Lagniappe. Development day. 
Lagniappe 2. Float and finish.