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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Net Gains - Basketball Knowledge and Social Intelligence Worth Sharing

Coach Cal  shares the Pope's message.  Regardless of your beliefs, how are you treating people and how much value are you creating? 

Stronger Team shares "Scoring off the Dribble."

Lolly Daskal discusses the process of becoming an expert. I like Number 10: Help others along the way.  You can also develop your reputation as an expert by using your knowledge and expertise to help others. Signing on to skill share is a great way to become acknowledged as an expert in your field.

Need to change your attitude? Shawn Achor writes that changing your face changes the world around you. 

Analytics. Why the Warriors won. You're not an LBJ guy. Consider this. According to, through the first five games, James had gathered an incredible 18 percent of all the points scored, assists dished and rebounds collected by anyone in this series. That is an unreal stat in itself. That stat doesn’t only count the Cavs statistics, it 's everyone's statistics. Jordan’s highest ever percentage – 15.6 percent in 1991. But as everyone knows (or should know) no matter what sport or line of work, no one can do it on his own.