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Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Leadership Notes from MasterClass, Coaches Make Leaders

Learn from the masters from other disciplines. MasterClass shares leadership ideas.

Shonda Rhimes (television series show runner):

"Empower the people under me." 

"Value the people working there."

"Others can do the pieces of my job that I'm not the best at." 

"Make sure others get opportunities."

"Everybody is valuable and everybody is necessary."


Werner Herzog (director):

"We are not garbage collectors...we are thieves...we get away with loot from the most beautiful places." 

"I would never ask anything from them that I wouldn't do myself.

"Putting up a minefield has clear logic...I go ahead of you."

"Create a specific...confidence for others."

Martin Scorsese (director):

"What can't we do today?" 

Think about "all the questions that you're asked."

"Eliminate the unnecessary questions."

Hans Zimmer (composer):

"How do you have the conversation how not to be afraid?" 

"Everybody is here to support us doing something great." (Same with composing)

"You have to earn their was like lion taming."

"Find one thing that they haven't done before." 

"Push it (the art) forward a little bit." 

Chris Hadfield (astronaut):

"Survival training, helps to develop a team."

"You're the people out there risking your lives."

"How do you lead when there's a serious emergency?"

"We experimented with leadership techniques - dictatorial, flat, silence."