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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Creighton Burns Coaching Principles and Practice

Creighton Burns has coached for over forty-five years and is a former Indiana Basketball Coaches Association Coach of the Year. He has earned a reputation for passion about coaching and teaching basketball. 

Sharing some of Coach Burns' excellence is a great present for all of us. I've seen many of these principles taught elsewhere. I've always been impressed by coaches' generosity and willingness to share. 

First, his Postulates of Coaching Basketball. Part II 


It is not what you teach, but it is what you emphasize! It is not what you know, it is how you teach and what your players know (Coach George Raveling always says this). 

When coaching use the ’sandwich” method of coaching. For every negative criticism you make of a player “sandwich” it between two positive comments. (John Wooden was big on this). 

If you are going to have a championship team, each player must give up his personal agenda for the good of the team. “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Second, his massive contributions to Coach Jackson's Pages. 

Third, lessons from Coaching Toolbox

Fourth, Coach Burns' website

Fifth, another site with a heavy Coach Burns insight

Sixth, Coach Burns practice principles

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone.