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Friday, December 11, 2015

Step It Up - Share the Power

We cannot separate who we are and how we coach. If we want to improve as coaches, then we should work to become better versions of ourselves. 

In The Compound Effect, Darren Hardy discusses the process of personal growth. 

"To help you become aware of your choices, I want you to track every action that relates to the area of your life you want to improve."

"Psychological studies reveal that 95 percent of everything we feel, think, and achieve is a result of a learned habit!"

"Leadership expert John C. Maxwell said, “You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”

Therefore, as we make our habits, our habits make us. We can improve our study and organization and learn how to communicate more effectively. 

Lolly Daskal offers fifty powerful tips to grow our leadership.  

Here are five:

Make people feel good about themselves. Acknowledge their gifts and talents.

Make meaningful connections. Don't always talk about work; ask about something personal that is meaningful and appropriate.

Keep a positive attitude. Attitude is contagious, so spread only good feelings.

Set high standardsLet others always see you doing and giving your best.

Be a problem solver. Become known as a person who has solutions and answers--or who knows where to find them.